Financial Planning & Retirement


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Planning your financial future is a critical step towards achieving your life goals and securing your family's well-being.

We Work Together

Our mission is to help educate people about the common misunderstandings, mistakes, and obstacles surrounding retirement planning. We understand that conventional methods of wealth accumulation and distribution are ineffective at adequately preparing people for retirement.


Many people are under the impression that if they accumulate a large amount of money for retirement, they will be able to retire comfortably.


If you become injured or too sick to work prior to retirement, you should consider protecting your loved ones with a cash value policy.

Analyze Your Goals

See if you're on track for the retirement you want. Nader Agency's Retirement Savings Calculator demonstrates how your starting principal, annual contributions, expected rate of return, and years of contribution determine your asset base.

Your asset base and your withdrawal rate will determine your taxable income. The tax bracket you are in during this withdrawal will determine your after-tax income.

Explanation Of Terms
For Calculator

Existing Principal - This is how much money you already have going towards your retirement.

Annual Contribution - This is how much additional money you will contribute towards your retirement per year.

Rate of Return - The rate you are expecting the money going towards your retirement to grow per year.

Asset Base - The total accumulated value of the money going towards your retirement.

Withdrawal Rate - The percentage that you will withdraw from your asset base to use as income every year. Most traditional retirement plans suggest around 4%, also known as the "Four Percent Rule".

To read more about the Four Percent Rule and why, in reality, you would probably need to use a lower percentage, click here.

Taxable Income - How much money you withdraw from your asset base per year, without considering the taxes you need to pay on it first. This is determined by the withdrawal rate from your asset base.

Tax Bracket - The tax rate you will end up paying on your taxable income.

After-Tax Income - The money you withdraw from your asset base per year, after you've payed taxes on it. This is the actual income you would be able to use in retirement.

How Does It Work?

Watch the video below to learn about the issues with traditional retirement plans

Companies We Partner With

Getting Started Is
Easier Than You Think

We know that figuring out the best way to plan for retirement is not something to be taken lightly, so we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.